There is no need to introduce Facebook! With 31 million active French users a month, it is the leading social network in France. Also, it is a powerful marketing and communication lever that companies must use to make themselves known and prosper. We have therefore compiled the 10 reasons why it is necessary today to create a Facebook Page.
1. Increase the visibility and visibility of your company
Facebook is the world’s leading social network. Every month, more than a billion people around the world visit a Facebook page. Being present on the social network can only bring you additional visibility and complementary to your website, or even visibility if you do not have a website. Knowing that creating a Facebook Page is easy and free, you would be wrong to deprive yourself of the potential it presents in terms of marketing tools , printing and reach . A large number of your customers and prospects have a Facebook account, so you have to go and get them where they are.
Owning a Professional Page does not only improve your visibility, you will also be able to increase your notoriety with a community that you have federated.
By regularly publishing relevant content, you will also improve your SEO. With the quality traffic you generate on your website, you’ll be more involved with Google. In addition, Facebook indexes each page on search engines. If a user searches for your business on Google, he will fall from the first results on your Facebook Page. It is therefore important to take good care of this page.
2. Grow a community, retain customers and communicate
Who says social network, says virtual community. Facebook’s own is its ability to bring such a community together. Thus, you will be able to federate the Net surfers around your brand . Facebook will make it possible to create a link between your company and your fans, to you to create a link strong enough so that your fans become customers. It will be necessary to maintain this relationship, by interacting with them, by publishing creative and relevant content, interacting with them.
For this, you must be responsive and respond to their messages and comments. Facebook has also implemented a feature that allows users to rate and reward your responsiveness to messages, and it also calculates the average rate and response time of your Page, it then displays on it.
Thanks to your Page, you can communicate easily with your fans, via comments or Messenger. You can also customize your username on Messenger to be more easily identifiable, as well as the welcome message.To be able to easily keep in touch with your fans, you can introduce links and Messenger codes in your ads, on your website, etc.
But we must also capture their attention , which is why it is essential to create interactions. Launch games and promotional offers to reward loyalty and animate your Page.
For example, organize a photo contest, ask to answer a question in comment and share, then draw the winner from the participants, etc. A good way to get more reach and commitment! You can also launch a promotional offer to use online or in store.
3. Know your customers
Facebook provides a number of very relevant and interesting tools that you need to learn from. Statistics are part of it. They will allow you to better know your fans, your customers and your prospects. This will help you better orient and optimize your advertising campaigns, your publications, your sending frequencies, etc.
The Statistics section of Page (Facebook Insights) is the tool in which all the measures and data of your page will be displayed. You will be able to follow:
- The evolution of likes based on their total number, specific periods and their origins;
- The scope of your content, that is the number of users you have reached with your posts and their interactions with your Page (likes, comments and shares);
- The views and page visits to see what users are doing on your page (which tabs are interested in, what they look) and how they found your page (from Facebook or Google, for example);
- The performance of your publications , to determine which days and times your fans are online, but also to know the average reach and commitment of your publications, as well as to follow the publications of the Pages you follow (your competitors between others);
- The demographic data of people linked to your Page, that is to say your fans, the users reached, the people involved and the simple visitors. By learning about their gender, age, location, etc., you can identify and target them later.
If you want to discover all the features of Facebook Insights , you can view the tutorial on their site .
All of this data will be analyzed and then used to target your audience for your publications and advertising campaigns. It will also help you determine the most appropriate way and time to launch your actions.
4. Prospecting by seducing new users
Facebook is a good lever for generating leads and qualifying prospects in several ways. First of all, you will have to use inbound marketing techniques , that is to say that you have to produce content that is sufficiently relevant and qualitative to interest your audience and bring them to your website. Once you have produced these resources and articles, publish them on your Page and stimulate their dissemination. For this, you must promote your publication through the “Boost” proposed by Facebook to highlight and increase the visibility of your content.
The advertising tools developed by Facebook are excellent ways to reach the people you want to prospect. It’s up to you to use the right ad formats, the call to action buttons and especially the targeting options. Thus, personalized and similar audiences will help you target the leads and prospects you want to reach, while Lead Ads will help you gather valuable information, such as phone numbers, email addresses, etc.
5. Enjoy an ergonomic and intuitive graphical interface
By creating a Page on Facebook, you will benefit from a modern graphical interface known to all. Users know how to use the social network, so they can easily find the information they are looking for.
The other advantage for companies lies in the ergonomics and fluidity of the tool. The Pages are designed in Responsive Web Design , they are thus adapted to all screens. A significant asset since many sites of small and medium businesses are not. Even if the multi-screen has become widespread, the fact remains that desktop audiences are slowly starting to decrease in favor of mobile audiences that are growing.

Facebook has also understood the need to offer content optimized for mobile. For a few months, you can, for example, create instant articles. ” Instant Articles ” will allow you to publish more Responsive Web Design articles with significantly reduced loading time. If your site has a blog, you can upload your articles to Facebook from your CMS. You can also incorporate photos and videos at 360 ° to give them an immersive dimension.
And if the configuration of your Page does not suit you, know that soon you can change it as you please. Page templates are currently in the testing phase. In the settings of your Page, it will be possible to apply a page template according to your activity. You will have the choice between a standard model and specific models for the professional services, the places (cinema, theater, concert hall, football stadium, …), the video games, the politicians as well as the cafés and restaurants. Then you will be able to choose the layout, buttons and tabs of your Page.
6. Launch targeted and attractive advertising campaigns
The tools deployed by Facebook to undertake advertising campaigns are very effective. You will be able to get started in digital advertising easily and cheaply, by controlling from A to Z your actions. Once you have defined your business goals, your target audience and the appropriate advertising message, you will be able to start your Facebook campaign.
- Use targeting options to just aim :
The targeting options on Facebook are very precise. Use them to reach people who may be really interested in your offer of products and services, but also those who are most active and engaged. Define your target audience based on geographic location, demographics, interests, and behaviors. In addition, custom audiences will allow you to accurately include or exclude your existing customers by matching your CRM to the Facebook database. Similar audiences will help you reach people whose profiles are similar to those of your clients.
- Choose the advertising format that best suits your purpose :
There are many ad formats today, ranging from simple sponsored ads to much more creative Canvas , carousel and dynamic advertising . The formats vary according to your advertising objectives (acquisition of traffic, conversions, engagement, …). The ads are available on computer and mobile, in the news feed or on the right column of Facebook, on Instagram and on the Audience Network. It’s up to you to personalize your ads with engaging, engaging messages, photos, videos and call to action.
Choose sponsored ads as links, photos, videos, or text to promote your website, page, offer, app, or event
Combine photos, videos, text and links in the Canvas format to immerse the user in an immersive ad.
Carousel advertisements to present your range of products and services creatively.
7. Encourage customers to take action
To encourage users to take action, Facebook has developed incentive tools. You can, thus, add call buttons to the action :
On your Page :
Depending on your purpose, choose the most appropriate button.
Since October, 3 new buttons are available: “Schedule an appointment”, “Get a quote” and “Order food”. Users will be directed to a fillable form or a reservation management system.
In your publications :
From Power Editor, you click “Manage Pages” and then “Create Publication”. You fill in the content of your publication (URL, text, link title, photo, …) and click on the “Call to action” option. This is where you can choose between “Buy”, “Learn More”, “Register”, “Book Now” and “Download”.
In your advertisements :
Calls to action will vary depending on your campaign goal. The content is adapted according to whether you want to promote an application, generate traffic on a site, promote locally, etc.
8. Generate traffic to your website
Thanks to your Page, you will generate traffic to your website. For this, we will have to encourage users to click. First, it will be necessary to heal your Facebook Page by informing and frequently updating all useful information to the user. Then, care should be taken to publish relevant and engaging content very regularly, that is, at least once a week. By adding links and calls to action in your publications, you will encourage the user to click and be redirected to your website or to strategic landing pages, such as newsletters. products. In this way, you can increase your conversion rate. Finally, the many ad formats that Facebook Ads offers are also a good way to drive traffic to your site. Creative ads will appeal to users and calls to action will make them click. By targeting your audience precisely with Facebook’s targeting options, you’ll reach the people most likely to be interested in your site and products.
9. Deploy a local strategy
Do you want to promote your business locally? Encourage users to visit your shop? Facebook has developed a specific advertising format: Local Awareness Ads . Their particularity is to appear in the thread of a user who approaches your location. You must first define the desired radius around your business, then choose a photo and an attractive message.
Then optimize your ad by adding a map where the user will find the location of your business, the distance to travel and a route to get there, and the opening hours.
Call-to-action buttons can be added to encourage them to visit your store or contact you.
10. Sell your products and offer your services
Did you know that Facebook can also allow you to sell your products and services? If you offer services, you can now highlight your service offering by configuring the Services tab of your Page.Soon, your customers will also be able to book these services directly on Facebook. With the new call-to-action buttons (“Get Quote” and “Request an Appointment”), you’ll be able to manage requests via a Messenger thread.
Thanks to Facebook’s partnerships, your customers will soon be able to buy movie tickets, concert tickets, theater, etc., or even order food.
The same goes for your products. Facebook is testing a new feature, that of highlighting your articles from a dedicated section and allowing users to buy them. This Boutique section gives you a glimpse of the bright future of e-commerce, even if you do not have a website.
As a professional, it’s almost essential to create a Facebook Page to gain visibility and drive traffic to your website. Used well, already existing tools and those to come will provide you with opportunities for growth. If you wish to entrust this task to our experts, talk to us.